Results for 'Robert Anderson Holland'

962 found
  1.  38
    Intuition and the cartesian circle.Robert Anderson Imlay - 1973 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 11 (1):19.
  2.  74
    Berkeley on abstract general ideas.Robert Anderson Imlay - 1971 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 9 (3):321-328.
  3.  18
    American linguistics, 1925-1969: 3 essays with a preface to the repr.Robert Anderson Hall - 1951 - Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
  4.  24
    Serial positive patterning: Implications for “occasion setting”.Robert T. Ross & Peter C. Holland - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (3):159-162.
  5.  9
    La interpretación económica de la historia.Edwin Robert Anderson Seligman - 1957 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Nova.
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    (3 other versions)The economic interpretation of history.Edwin Robert Anderson Seligman - 1901 - London,: Macmillan & co..
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  7.  68
    A Rose by Any Other Name: Pain Contracts/Agreements.Myra Christopher, Nick Shuler, Lisa Robin, Ben Rich, Steve Passik, Carlton Haywood, Carmen Green, Aaron Gilson, Lennie Duensing, Robert Arnold, Evan Anderson & Richard Payne - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (11):5-12.
  8.  42
    Treating Addictions: Harm Reduction in Clinical Care and Prevention.Ingrid Beek, Evan Wood, Alex Walley, Dan Small, Robert Heimer, Robert Haemmig, Kenneth Anderson & Ernest Drucker - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (2):239-249.
    This paper examines the role of clinical practitioners and clinical researchers internationally in establishing the utility of harm-reduction approaches to substance use. It thus illustrates the potential for clinicians to play a pivotal role in health promoting structural interventions based on harm-reduction goals and public health models. Popular media images of drug use as uniformly damaging, and abstinence as the only acceptable goal of treatment, threaten to distort clinical care away from a basis in evidence, which shows that some ways (...)
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    The Poverty of Conceptual Truth: Kant's Analytic/Synthetic Distinction and the Limits of Metaphysics.Robert Lanier Anderson - 2015 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    R. Lanier Anderson presents a new account of Kant's distinction between analytic and synthetic judgments, and provides it with a clear basis within traditional logic. He reconstructs compelling claims about the syntheticity of elementary mathematics, and re-animates Kant's arguments against traditional metaphysics in the Critique of Pure Reason.
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    Human memory: An adaptive perspective.John R. Anderson & Robert Milson - 1989 - Psychological Review 96 (4):703-719.
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    Kant, Reichenbach, and aprioricity.Robert A. Holland - 1992 - Philosophical Studies 66 (3):209 - 233.
  12.  28
    Learning to Program in LISP1.John R. Anderson, Robert Farrell & Ron Sauers - 1984 - Cognitive Science 8 (2):87-129.
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    Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.Robert Browning, Martin Greenwald & Ron Hollander - 1990 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 6 (4):10-11.
  14. Apriority and applied mathematics.Robert A. Holland - 1992 - Synthese 92 (3):349 - 370.
    I argue that we need not accept Quine's holistic conception of mathematics and empirical science. Specifically, I argue that we should reject Quine's holism for two reasons. One, his argument for this position fails to appreciate that the revision of the mathematics employed in scientific theories is often related to an expansion of the possibilities of describing the empirical world, and that this reveals that mathematics serves as a kind of rational framework for empirical theorizing. Two, this holistic conception does (...)
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  15.  62
    Beginning with God.Robert A. Holland - 1993 - Teaching Philosophy 16 (4):327-334.
  16.  14
    Dante and Paul's "Five Words with Understanding": Bernardo Lecture Series, No. 1.Robert Hollander - 2009 - The Bernardo Lecture Series.
    Argues there is a program of five-word utterances that imitate fallen language in Dante’s Commedia.
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    Richard Rushton (2011) The Reality of Film: Theories of Filmic Reality.Timothy Robert Holland - 2012 - Film-Philosophy 16 (1):299-302.
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  18.  18
    Rationalizing the irrational: Discourse as culture/ideology.Robert Holland - 2006 - Critical Discourse Studies 3 (1):37-59.
    This paper takes as its starting point the observation of quasi-religious, ‘cultural’ characteristics in the dominant discourse of Western liberal democracy, and of ‘ideological’ characteristics in the discourse of Islamism – noting that both discourses rely, to some extent, upon the notion of rationality. Having provided working definitions of rationality, ideology, and culture, it goes on to argue that culture and ideology may be viewed as discursive macro-strategies which are related to the degree of power enjoyed by a given social (...)
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  19.  25
    Toward a Resolution of Śankara’s Ātmavidya and the Buddhist Doctrine of Anātman.Robert A. Holland - 1995 - International Philosophical Quarterly 35 (3):301-318.
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    The Princeton Dante Project.Robert Hollander - 2013 - Humanist Studies and the Digital Age 3 (1):53-59.
    A brief history and description of this project.
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    Promoting international dialogue between fundamental and applied ethics.Robert Nozick, Jos Leys, Maartje Schermer, Paul Schotsmans, Stephen Holland, William Desmond, Rolf Geiger, Jean-Christophe Merle, Nico Scarano & Christopher Bertram - 2003 - Ethical Perspectives 24 (2004):01-2014.
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  22.  28
    Against Relativism: A Philosophical Defense of Method.Robert A. Holland - 1995 - Metaphilosophy 26 (1-2):147-153.
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  23.  98
    Locke on the knowledge of material things.Robert Fendel Anderson - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (2):205-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Locke on the Knowledge of Material Things ROBERT FENDEL ANDERSON IT IS nOT John Locke's intention, in his Essay Concerning Human Understanding, to deal with matter and material substance nor with how these are able to affect the mind. These are considerations for natural philosophy; Locke counts himself rather among the moral philosophers. He does not propose, therefore, to meddle with the physical aspects of the mind, (...)
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  24.  44
    Ectopic Pregnancy and Catholic Morality.Marie A. Anderson, Robert L. Fastiggi, David E. Hargroder, Joseph C. Howard & C. Ward Kischer - 2011 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 11 (1):65-82.
    Respected Catholic ethicists have recently defended the use of salpingostomy and methotrexate in the management of ectopic pregnancies.This article examines the arguments for the revised assessments to determine whether there are sound reasons to believe that these two methods do not constitute the direct and immediate killing of innocent human beings. National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 11.1 (Spring 2011): 65–82.
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  25.  17
    Diagram processing: Computing with diagrams.Michael Anderson & Robert McCartney - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 145 (1-2):181-226.
  26.  42
    Hume's first principles.Robert Fendel Anderson - 1966 - Lincoln,: University of Nebraska Press.
  27. Recent criticisms and defenses of Pascal's Wager.Robert Anderson - 1995 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 37 (1):45 - 56.
  28.  6
    The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas: Introductory Readings ed. by Christopher Martin.Robert D. Anderson - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (1):149-151.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 149 temporary, might he an eyeopener to young Thomists who know so little about his work. In the meantime, however, in this English version of The Eyes of Faith a primary source of first importance has come our way. Catholic libraries should definitely have it on hand for philosophers and theologians to consult. Fordham University Bronx, New York GERALD A. McCooL, S.J. The Phuosophy of Thomas Aquinas: (...)
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  29. (2 other versions)Index to Volume 37.Victor Anderson, Ian G. Barbour, R. J. Berry, James Blachowicz, Robert J. Brecha, C. Mackenzie Brown, Rudolf B. Brun, David Carr, Michael Cavanaugh & Willem B. Drees - 2002 - Zygon 37 (4).
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  30. The Unfolding Drama of the Bible.Bernard W. Anderson, John L. Casteel, Seward Hilther, Robert L. Calhoun, Wayne H. Cowan, Reinhold Niebuhr & Albert N. Williams - 1957
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  31. Journal of The Cognitive Science Society.Robert L. Goldstone, John R. Anderson, Nick Chater, Andy Clark, Shimon Edelman, Kenneth Forbus, Dedre Gentner, Raymond W. Gibbs Jr, James Greeno & Robert A. Jacobs - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (3).
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  32.  62
    Primate theory of mind is a Turing test.Robert W. Mitchell & James R. Anderson - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1):127-128.
    Heyes's literature review of deception, imitation, and self-recognition is inadequate, misleading, and erroneous. The anaesthetic artifact hypothesis of self-recognition is unsupported by the data she herself examines. Her proposed experiment is tantalizing, indicating that theory of mind is simply a Turing test.
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  33.  17
    Envy and Jealousy.Robert E. Anderson - 2002 - American Journal of Psychotherapy 56 (4).
    Clinical study of envy and jealousy in the psychotherapy situation indicates that these two states of mind are biopsychosocial response patterns involving the perceptual, cognitive, affective, and intentional mentalfunctions. These response patterns are evoked by perceptual events that inform the individual of one’s relative position vis-à-vis the requirements of one s life. Once these patterns can be discerned in the patient, the clinician is able to hear things in the psychotherapy situation not previously heard and understand, interpret, and work through (...)
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  34.  26
    A Cross-Cultural Dialogue on Health Care Ethics.Joan Anderson, Arthur Blue, Michael Burgess, Harold Coward, Robert Florida, Barry Glickman, Barry Hoffmaster, Edwin Hui, Edward Keyserlingk, Michael McDonald, Pinit Ratanakul, Sheryl Reimer Kirkham, Patricia Rodney, Rosalie Starzomski, Peter Stephenson, Khannika Suwonnakote & Sumana Tangkanasingh (eds.) - 2006 - Wilfrid Laurier Press.
    The ethical theories employed in health care today assume, in the main, a modern Western philosophical framework. Yet the diversity of cultural and religious assumptions regarding human nature, health and illness, life and death, and the status of the individual suggest that a cross-cultural study of health care ethics is needed. A Cross-Cultural Dialogue on Health Care Ethics provides this study. It shows that ethical questions can be resolved by examining the ethical principles present in each culture, critically assessing each (...)
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  35.  7
    "Akuly" i "delʹfiny": psikhologii︠a︡ i ėtika rossiĭsko-amerikanskogo delovogo partnerstva.Robert Anderson - 1994 - Moskva: Delo. Edited by P. N. Shikhirev.
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  36.  46
    Commentary.Robert M. Anderson, Robert Perrucci, Dan E. Schendel & Leon E. Trachtman - 1983 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 2 (3):61-67.
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    Cybernetics, Genetic Engineering and the Future of Psychotherapy.Robert M. Anderson & Yevgenyia K. Melnik - 2013 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 25 (1-2):39-53.
    This essay describes possible futures that may result from accelerating technological advances and the challenges these futures present to psychotherapists. In the next 100 years, human beings will be likely to increasingly use computers and artificial intelligence and become extremely dependent on this relationship. Chip and stem cell implants may provide people with greater memory capacity, computational capacity, and skill sets. Genetic engineering, cryonics, and cloning may allow dramatic increases in the human life span these developments occur, they will challenge (...)
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  38.  39
    Chemistry laboratories, and how they might be studied.Robert G. W. Anderson - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (4):669-675.
    Chemistry laboratories, as buildings, have been surprisingly little studied by historians of science; interest has been focused on them more as sites of specific scientific activity, with particular emphasis on the personalities who worked within them. This has overshadowed aspects of laboratories such as their specification, design, construction, fitting-out, adaptation, replacement, status as civic and academic structures, and so on. Systematic study of them would be aided by an agreed taxonomy of laboratory types, according to their purpose, and a scheme (...)
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  39.  26
    Comparative oughts and comparative evils.Robert Anderson - 1993 - Journal of Value Inquiry 27 (1):69-73.
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    Ethics in HIV-related psychotherapy: clinical decision making in complex cases.John R. Anderson & Robert L. Barret (eds.) - 2001 - Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
    Perhaps no other population exposes the clinician to more moral and legal dilemmas than clients with an HIV-positive diagnosis. What does the therapist do about the HIV positive patient who is having sex with unnamed partners and refuses to stop? What should be said in end-of-life decisions? What of the adolescent who is HIV positive but whose guardian does not wish the youth to be informed of his status?
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  41. 5. Godwin Disguised: Politics in the Juvenile Library.Robert Anderson - 2011 - In Victoria Myers & Robert Maniquis, Godwinian Moments: From the Enlightenment to Romanticism. University of Toronto Press. pp. 125-146.
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  42.  89
    Hume's account of knowledge of external objects.Robert Fendel Anderson - 1975 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 13 (4):471-480.
  43.  36
    Human Life and Its Value: Would You Want to Be a Brain in a Cyborg?Robert Anderson - 2010 - Lyceum 11 (2).
  44.  16
    How workers learnt chemistry.Robert G. W. Anderson - 2014 - Circumscribere: International Journal for the History of Science 14:1-16.
    Most of the time when historians study chemistry the subject dealt with is what might be called élite chemistry. This is chemistry at the cutting edge, chemistry which makes a difference to how we come to understand the properties of matter, molecules, reactions, and so on. Other associated matters which may be explored by historians of chemistry concern social, economic or political relationships with élite chemistry. In this Debus Lecture I want to consider what possibilities there were that the working-class (...)
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  45.  50
    In Defense of Section V: A Reply to Professor Yolton.Robert F. Anderson - 1980 - Hume Studies 6 (1):26-31.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:26. IN DEFENSE OF SECTION V: A REPLY TO PROFESSOR YOLTON Professor Yolton's article is especially valuable for its opening paragraphs on the writing done in the eighteenth century on the physiological basis of cognition. These provide a much-needed background to Hume's own remarks on the nature of perceptions.. It is both correct and helpful, I think, to understand any philosopher as a man of his own century. Professor (...)
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    Incremental-dose effects of atropine on photic afterdischarge.Richard H. Anderson, Donovan E. Fleming, Michael Alberts & Brian C. Roberts - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (6):538-540.
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  47.  28
    Laying Bare Speculative Grammar.Robert Anderson - 1987 - New Scholasticism 61 (1):13-24.
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  48.  48
    Martial Arts and Philosophy: Beating and Nothingness.Robert Anderson - 2012 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 90 (4):820 - 820.
    Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Volume 90, Issue 4, Page 820, December 2012.
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  49.  95
    Molinism: The Contemporary Debate, edited by Ken Perszyk.Robert Anderson - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (3):627 - 628.
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  50.  8
    Machiavelli.Robert Anderson - 2012 - London: Hodder Education.
    Renaissance Florence -- Life -- Political theory -- The Prince I -- The Prince II -- The Discourses -- Machiavelli and war -- A Machiavellian glossary -- Machiavelli : Renaissance man -- Influence.
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